Definition of soil erosion pdf

Studies across north america and europe have concluded that tillageerosion is the primary cause of the severe soil loss and crop yield lossobserved on hilltops. Soil erosion results from a complex interaction of soil plantatmospheric forces. Swbat explain and observe what happens during soil erosion. Soil erosion has been considered as the primary cause of soil degradation because soil erosion leads to the loss of topsoil and soil organic matter, which are essential for the growing of plants. Soil is not immune to erosion, and like rocks along a coastline, soil can erode due to the effects of forces, such as water, wind and farming practices. Depending on the local landscape and weather conditions, erosion may be very slow or very rapid. Rill erosion occurs when water washes through the slats on a deck or patio or the eaves of your house, causing the soil underneath to form a furrowed pattern of troughs, where the water dripped down gully erosion creates minicanyons, or gullies, on bare hillside slopes where you may not have enough plants or ground cover to halt the flow of water, havent built a retaining wall, or. Clearance of the tropical forests, population pressure in societies practising shifting cultivation and highly mechanised broad acre arable farming in developed economies are all increasing the risks of soil loss. Soil erosion is the process of removal of superficial layer of the soil from one place to another. Wind erosion damages the soil by physically removing the most fertile part, lowering waterholding capacity, degrading soil structure, and increasing soil variability across a field, resulting in reduced crop production. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms.

The presence of organic matter in the soil is vital for good water retention and growth of flora. To avoid wind erosion, keep soil covered with plants or residue, plant windbreaks, use stripcropping, increase surface roughness, cultivate on the contour, and maintain soil aggregates at a size less likely to be carried by wind. Precipitation is the most forceful factor causing erosion. This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is, water, ice glaciers, snow, air wind, plants, animals, and humans.

Natural erosion has sculptured landforms on the uplands and built landforms on the lowlands. Soil conservation definition is the prevention or reduction of soil erosion and soil depletion by protective measures against water and wind damage. Soil erosion is the displacement of the upper layer of soil, it is one form of soil degradation. Large quantities of valuable soil are eroded by flowing water and moving wind. Mar 01, 2012 tillage erosiontillage erosion has only recently been recognized as a form of soil erosion. The erosion due to the impact of falling raindrops on soil surface leading to the destruction of the crumb structure is known as the raindrop or splash erosion. Soil erosion leads to soil infertility as the top soil layer is lost and also ability of soil to hold water and sediment is reduced. The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. Erosion definition is the action or process of eroding. Erosion, removal of surface material from earths crust, primarily soil and rock debris, and the transportation of the eroded materials by natural agencies such as water or wind from the point of removal. Erosion is the gradual destruction and removal of rock or soil in a particular area by. Principles of erosion by wind interest in the fluid transport of solidsin this special case, wind ero sioncontinues not only because erosion affects soil productivity and damages plants but also because wind erosion is an important contributor of. Soil erosion results from a complex interaction of soilplantatmospheric forces. Tillage erosion is the progressive downslope movement of soil by tillagecausing soil loss on.

There are many factors which influence the process of soil erosion. The process can occur naturally over a long period of time, or it can occur quickly with unusual weather events or excessive vegetation removal. This type of erosion threatens our ability as humans to sustain our global population with food and fiber, and is closely linked to economic vitality. Soil erosion seminar free download as powerpoint presentation. Removal of topsoil faster than the soil forming processes can replace it, due to natural, animal, and human activity over grazing, over cultivation, forest clearing, mechanized farming, etc. Increased demand for agriculture commodities generates incentives to convert forests and grasslands to farm fields and pastures. Soil erosion can be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed or can occur at an alarming rate, causing serious loss of topsoil. Soil erosion is the washing or blowing away by water or wind of the top layer of soil dirt. Soil erosion is the process by which soil primary particles and aggregates are removed and lost from their point of origin by wind or water, or even mass wasting from gravitational forces troeh et al. Soil erosion occurs when soil is removed through the action of wind and water at a greater rate than it is formed soil the soil covering the surface of the earth has taken millions of years to form and we must learn to respect it. Soil erosion can also lead to mudslides and floods, negatively affecting the structural integrity of buildings and roadways.

The process of erosion usually takes place on the surface of soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the earths crust and with the help of the wind or water flow, it. Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time. Pdf soil, definition, function, and utilization of soil. Soil erosion of these types mainly takes place by two methods. It is also recognised as the most useful single indicator of soil quality soil carbon initiative 2011.

Soil erosion is the weathering away of topsoil caused by water, wind or tillage. Soil erosion results in land infertility and leads to desertification and devastating flooding. It is the fairly uniform removal of soil in thin layers from the land surface, often. Soil erosion is the process where wind, water and human beings detach soil particles and deposit them somewhere else. Soil is the most fundamental and basic natural resource for all life to survive. Soil conservation definition of soil conservation by. If the soil has eroded, the crops that make food will not grow very well. Tillage erosiontillage erosion has only recently been recognized as a form of soil erosion. It is comprised of countless species that create a dynamic and complex ecosystem and is among the most precious resources to humans.

Soil erosion definition of soil erosion soil erosion is the wearing away of the land surface by physical forces such as rainfall, flowing water, wind, ice, temperature change, gravity or other natural or anthropogenic agents that abrade, detach and remove soil or geological material from one point on the. If the soil has eroded, the crops that make food will not grow very well soil erosion was a big problem in the midwestern united states in the 1930s dust bowl erosion also leaves large sinkholes in the ground, which can weaken buildings and even cause. Thus, modeling soil erosion requires a multidisciplinary approach among soil scientists, crop scientists. Various agents, like wind, water, deforestation, overgrazing by cattle, etc. A more or less uniform layer of fine particles is removed from the entire surface of an area, sometimes resulting in an extensive loss of rich topsoil. Sheet erosion, detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact and their removal downslope by water flowing overland as a sheet instead of in definite channels or rills. In this publication, we focus our attention on concepts surrounding waterinduced soil erosion. Sheet erosion it is the uniform removal of soil in thin layers from the land surface caused by the wind. Soil erosion soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil material.

Soil organic carbon soc and its importance for soil quality soil organic carbon is the major component approximately 58% of soil organic matter and plays a vital role in agricultural production and in a range of other soil functions. It tends to remove silts and clays making the soils sandier. The process may be natural or accelerated by human activity. When the layer of topsoil is removed, ground becomes unproductive and crops decrease. Soil erosion is the process that erodes, breaks or gradually diminishes things down. Pesticides and other chemicals can get trapped in soil, polluting streams and rivers as the soil breaks apart. Sheet erosion sheet erosion is the removal of soil in thin layers by raindrop impact and shallow surface flow.

Soil erosion is the washing or blowing away by water or wind of the top layer of soil dirt this is a serious problem for farmers. A concept, definition, and framework for evaluation a guest editorial d. These impacts include compaction, loss of soil structure, nutrient degradation, and soil salinity. It is the fairly uniform removal of soil in thin layers from the land surface, often scarcely perceptible, especially when caused by wind. Information and translations of soil erosion in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Soil erosion reduces cropland productivity and contributes to the pollution of adjacent watercourses, wetlands and lakes. In this lesson, students work in groups to create a hillside garden and observe what happens during soil erosion.

Soil erosion is the movement of soil from one place to another and may be caused by wind, water or human activities. Quantification of soil loss is a significant issue for soil and water conservation practitioners and policy makers. Soil loss is so gradual that the erosion usually goes unnoticed, but the cumulative. Assessing soil erosion although soil erosion has been taking place very slowly in natural. Soil erosion was a big problem in the midwestern united states in the 1930s dust bowl. What is a way of preventing erosion on hillsides while still using the land for agriculture. Pdf terminology for soil erosion and conservation alfred. Schuman abstract this essay summarizes deliberation by the soil science society of america sssa ad hoc committee on soil quality s581 and was. Soil, definition, function, and utilization of soil. When strong winds blow, the topsoil along with the organic matter is carried away by the wind. Soil erosion is a process of detachment and transportation of soil by natural agencies of water and wind.

The process of erosion usually takes place on the surface of soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the earths crust and with the help of the wind or water flow, it gets to settle down at another location. Soil erosion definition of soil erosion by the free dictionary. It results in loss of the finest soil particles that contain most of the available nutrients and organic matter in the soil. T value tolerable erosion equilibrium between soil gains and losses.

This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is. Soil erosion seminar soil erosion free 30day trial. It also causes plant damage from abrasion, blowouts, and deposition. The book deals with several aspects of soil erosion, focusing on its connection with the agricultural world. The removal of topsoil by the natural forces is known as soil erosion. Soil erosion definition of soil erosion by the free. Erosion definition and meaning collins english dictionary. Soil erosion definition of soil erosion by medical.

However, when earthquakes occur, massive amounts of soil, including crops and forests are a. Workshop on common criteria for risk area identification. Erosion preceded by the destruction of the crumb structure due to the impact of falling raindrop on the surface of soil is termed as splash erosion. Impacts of soil erosion soil erosion is caused by the erosive forces of wind or water. The book is subdivided into fourteen chapters, sorted in four sections, grouping different facets of the topic. Runoff washes away the soil particles from sloping. The soil erosion estimation models are focused on the identification and quantification of the erosion processes and the controlling factors, resulting in the sequential erosion models development beginning with the universal erosion equation usle realized by wischmeier and smith 11, followed by a modified equation musle for the quantification of the alluvium. Understanding soil erosion in irrigated agriculture. Soil is the earths fragile skin that anchors all life on earth. In addition to erosion, soil quality is affected by other aspects of agriculture. Soil erosion is the detachment and movement of soil material. Workshop on common criteria for risk area identification in. In earth science, erosion is the action of surface processes such as water flow or wind that removes soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the earths crust, and then transports it to another location not to be confused with weathering which involves no movement. Sep 21, 2017 soil erosion is the process where wind, water and human beings detach soil particles and deposit them somewhere else.